News 2011



  • Data collection completed for the International IDEA global project on political finance regulations.



  • Oct 27-28: Provided input on comparative experiences and assisted the discussion on necessary reforms on political finance regulations during Political Finance Conference in Moldova. The Conference was organised by the CEC, IFES and the OSCE.
  • Oct 6: Presented European experiences in political finance regulation at conference on "Financing of Political Parties and Regulation of Political Campaigns" organised by CESTA in the Czech Republic. Other speakers included the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice and the leader of the opposition.



  • Analysed the political finance provisions in the new draft Electoral Code in Georgia.
  • Provided advice to the Election Commission (COMELEC) and civil society organisations in the Philippines on necessary reforms.



  • Assisted Civil Society Organisations in Cambodia on creating a draft law on political finance and on monitoring money in the 2012 election campaign.
  • Aug 1: Led Technical Discussion Group on the Abuse of State Resources in Tbilisi, Georgia



  • July 4-9: Engaged with stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of the new Law on Financing Political Activities in Serbia.



  • June 28: Lead speaker at roundtable on political finance regulation in the Czech Republic, organised by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
  • June 10: Data collection started for the International IDEA global project on political finance regulations worldwide.





  • April-May: Assisted the National Elections Commission in Liberia in developing a new Regulation for campaign finance disclosure.
  • Assisted completion of campaign finance monitoing report by local CSO in Moldova.
  • US Embassy in Thailand highlight article on Global Trends in Political Finance Regulation in its "web alert"



  • March 31: Provided advice to stakeholder forum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, including political parties, MPs, CSOs, media on best practices in public funding.



  • February 16-19: Presented paper on Global Trends in Political Finance Regulation at IPSA/ECPR conference in Sao Pauo, Brazil.
  • February 10: Co-hosted Political Finance Forum in Abuja, Nigeria, with over 80 participants including representatives from 32 civil society groups, nine political parties and 29 media outlets, as well as four of the INEC Commissioners.



  • Completed draft of revised handbook for Training in Detection and Enforcement (TIDE), an IFES curriculum for institutions that have a mandate to oversee compliance with political finance regulations.