News 2023






  • Held workshop with political finance oversight unit of the Corruption Prevention Commission in Armenia.

  • Facilitated trainings on corruption prevention with civil society representatives in Accra, Kumasi and Tamale in Ghana.



  • Held workshop on inter-agency cooperation in political finance oversight in North Macedonia.

  • Participated in meeting of the European Electoral Justice Network in Paris, France





  • Provided support to the National Election Board of Ethiopia.

  • Reviewed IFES research into regulations of online campaign advertising.









  • Co-facilitated workshop on political finance oversight institutions and their role in investigating and sanctioning political finance violations, including representatives from oversight institutions in Eastern Partnership, Western Balkans and Visegrad Four countries. The workshop was organised by the IFES Regional Europe Office in Prague, the Czech Republic. 
  • Held closed-door discussions with representatives from the National Agency for Corruption Prevention in Ukraine about controlling party finance during the period since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.



  • Held training on campaign finance monitoring for civil society activists in Nicaragua.
  • Participated in series of meetings with stakeholders in Armenia, including the Roundtable on investigations and sanctions for political finance-related offenses.



  • Prepared upcoming workshop on political finance oversight institutions and their role in investigating and sanctioning political finance violations.
  • Held discussions with the UNCAC coalition about further enhancement of UNCAC enforcement

